(805) 856-6721



Job and WorkPlace Issues

Every job includes some built-in challenges and difficulties. You are the final arbitrator of your experience in, and around, your working environment.

You can learn information, and skills, and attitudes, and behaviors that will give you more control of that experience.

You can become very effective in managing and controlling your workplace stress.

Job Stress management is a dynamic process over which you can learn to exercise your personal control.

My mission is to coach you so that you do become more effective in managing and controlling and reducing your workplace stressors. Working together we will coach you to be able to respond more effectively to job stress, and develop a resilient and enduring habit of effective job stress management, that becomes integrated into your daily life.

Eleven possible Steps for the process.

1. Identify Your Symptoms of Job Issues

2. Identify Sources of Your Job Issues

3, Identify Approaches Appropriate for your issues and symptoms

4. Identify Your emotional, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral Responses to Your Specific Issues.

5. Set Goals to Respond More Effectively to Your Job Issues.

6. Motivate Yourself

7. Change Your Thinking

8. Deal With Your Boss and/or Your Co-Worker(s)

9. When in Conflict, Negotiate

10. Pace and Balance YourSelf

11. Know When to Quit the mission and move forward and live, and enjoy life better.

Get In Touch

300 E Esplanade Dr, Oxnard, CA 93036, USA